On behalf of the entire District 59, Division A team, we wish you all an amazing end of year and spectacular 20201 !!
Au nom de toute l’équipe du District 59, Division A, nous vous souhaitons à tous une belle fin d’année et une 20201 spectaculaire !!
Im Namen des gesamten Distrikt-59-Teams der Division A wünschen wir Ihnen allen ein frohes neues Jahr und ein spektakuläres Jahr 20201!
Holiday video greeting from Division A team
One day three Division A Toastmasters : Danielle, Nathalie and Colleen sat around wondering how to pass on good wishes to our Division A members. A standard card? An email? or a VIDEO CARD!!??
Many thanks to Danielle for organizing and producing the video! Happy Holidays, Christmas, Hanukkah in whatever culture or language 2020 and looking forward to 2021.
Vidéo festive de l’équipe de la division
Un jour, trois membres de la Division A, Danielle, Nathalie et Colleen se sont réunies pour chercher la meilleure façon d’envoyer des vœux aux membres de notre Division A. Une carte ordinaire ? un courriel ? ou encore UNE CARTE VIDEO ?
Un grand merci à Danielle pour avoir organisé et réalisé la vidéo !
Joyeuses fêtes, joyeux Noël, Hanoukka dans n’importe quelle culture ou langue en 2020 et dans l’attente de 2021.

Dear Division A members,
For 2021 I wish you all health, hope and happiness.
In 2020 we had much happiness!
Five of Calliope’s nine members organized the first Round 2 Club Officer Training!
Scintille! And La Défense clubs hosted the warm and fund Holiday Party/Soirée de Noël 2020 online!
Division A Area Directors topped District 59 in Area visit reports out of our 7 Divisions!
Six of the Division A team beat the COVID-19 still real and dangerous for many.
The Toastmasters year 2019-2020 transitioned to 2020-2021 new Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) and Triple Crown awards (three education awards in one Toastmasters year).
The Division A conference of May moved from a sunny live venue to a brightly lit computer screen all decked out in costumes for the 1920s theme.
2021 is our year for global reach with our online meetings, officer training, contests and webinars. North France is a work in progress.
How do you want to receive your awards and contest trophies in 2021?
How can you use a Pathways project to organize a June event for those awards and contest trophies?
Let’s move into 2021 energized and creative.
Contact your Area Directors Aude (A1), Claire (A2), Prémel (A3), Audrey (A4), Omar (A5) or Carlos (A6) with ideas and questions.
Cordially and Happy New Year 2021!
Colleen Division A Director