Remember how confident you were at the age of 14?
Follow along each month as nine teens progress in the Youth Leadership Program until their final session and gala in May. You will see their agenda, speech ideas, meeting roles, monthly speech tip, etc.
Session 7 – May
The 7th Session of Youth Leadership took place on Zoom with a variety of topics for speeches. Among the Table Topics were the levitating pen and the guitar tuner where the speakers had to guess the use of the object and describe how to use it.
Pia is exuding confidence as the President for these four sessions! The teens are opening up and speaking so much more than in the beginning! It is a fantastic opportunity and experience for the them and for the Toastmaster coaches.
Attending the session were Colleen, Juan Pablo, Ginny and Chantal.
May 28 is the eighth and final session for this year.
Are you interested in coordinating a Youth Leadership Program in English?
Contact: Alexander Bradburn, YLP Coordinator 2020-2021
Or Colleen Shaughnessy-Larsson DTM, Division A Director
Are you interested in coordinating a Youth Leadership Program in French?
Contact: Preeti Venkateshan D59 Community Relations Manager 2020-2021
Or for a French program Chantal Clairicia
Session 6 – March
The YLP meeting started on time. Vice president Morgan opened the meeting with enthusiasm and high energy.
Secretary Josiah came to the virtual stage to read the minutes of the previous meeting.
Toastmasters Coach Chantal presented an interactive workshop on the importance of Gestures and Body Language in a speech. Chantal showed the use and importance of prompting gestures, descriptive gestures and sign posting gestures showing some examples to the audience. The participants practiced their learning in breakout rooms.
Morgan was also the grammarian for the day and introduced the importance of her second role to the audience. The timekeeper Toastmasters Coach Juan Pablo, explained his role and the importance of time in a YLP.
For the prepared speech for the day, Felice delivered a colourful speech and demonstrated great storytelling skills.
Our Table Topic Master Phillippe delivered an original and creative Table Topic session presenting some objects of his choice such as a copper elephant and handmade pottery to the audience. Josiah, Alexander and Jean inspired by the various objects entertained us with captivating impromptu speeches on themes like Global warming and Fashion. To discover Philippe’s artistic side he shared with us some objects of his own creation.
Our evaluator, Jean, evaluated Felice’s speech. Jean gave positive commendations and recommendations stressing how impressed he was with Felice’s great use of Storytelling techniques.
Morgan delivered the grammarian report, highlighting how impressed she was with everybody’s good use of language. Toastmasters Coach Juan Pablo gave his timer’s report.
Alexander the coordinator, assisted the team in filling the roles for the next meeting. Four prepared speeches are on the agenda for the next YLP meeting April 9.
Thank you Toastmasters Coach Chantal for summarizing the meeting!
Want to know more about coordinating next year’s YLP?
Contact: Alexander Bradburn or Colleen Shaughnessy-Larsson
Session 5 – February
At the February 5 Youth Leadership meeting with the American Library hosting, Pia began her tenure in the President’s role for the first time. She will lead the sessions, as we do with Toastmaster of the Evening, for sessions five through 8 (the end of the season).
Philippe gave one of the most notable quotes of the evening: “Back in the day when we spoke to people” (live, instead of on Zoom).
Speaker One, Natacha, spoke about art and asked the question: Would you rather have a job that you love and enjoy all the time or would you prefer to have a job in an office or a closed area that gives you sadness and annoyance? Nathcha spoke of her passion for art. She would rather go to an art go to an art school, contribute to society andmotivate students as she was motivated as a kid: to draw, imagine and write.
Speaker Two, Morgan, said happiness rhymes with friendship. There seems to be a lot of hate today in the world How, why? People do not reflect enough before acting. Morgan spoke of love and having friends; but if a new kid comes to class, bring a brick to the wall. Step out of our comfort zone and talk to him/her.
Speaker Three, Alex, talked about the Grand Canyon state of Arizona and what interests him. Alex took us on a geographical, historical and cultural tour of the state. He spoke about the weather, hiking and scenery. Alex introduced us to well-known figures such as Emma Stone, Steven Spielberg, Senator John McCain and Frank Lloyd Wright. Alex invited us to visit and discover his favorite state.
As Vice President, Alex, asked for volunteers for the next meeting and filled the roster.
Session 4 – January
A sneak peek into our first Youth leadership Program session of 2021 held online on January 8th organized by Alexander Bradburn and team from Toastmasters France in collaboration with Celeste from the American Library Paris.
YLP President Josiah took the direction of the meeting, which encompassed a workshop, 3 speeches, evaluations, table topic session, general evaluation of the meeting, electing new officers for the next three months and finally wrapping it up with the vote of thanks.
Toastmaster Preeti Venkateshan as the workshop trainer, encapsulated the key elements and nuances of how to “Organize a good speech.”
As YLP is about facilitation of leadership skills, we conducted the elections democratically to select officers for the second term (February 2021 until May 2021).
The election results were as follows:
President – Pia
Vice President Education – Morgan
Secretary – Josiah
Sergeant at Arms – Jean
If you’d like to know more about this teenage program, contact Alexander Bradburn : (Toastmasters of Paris), the program coordinator for 2020-2021.
Youth Leadership Program – Read all about the sessions on the Division A website (published in French and English)
Session 3 – December
At the December third session of the YLP, the teens learned to think fast and organize the meeting roles at the last minute. No one kept a record of the volunteers from our last session (faux pas rectified with laughter). Once we got started with President Josiah running the meeting, Table Topics was the December workshop theme. The presentation covered the role of Table Topics Master and the role of the speaker.
Storytelling was the Table Topics workshop part: Choose a letter of an unknown object. The TT master shows the object. Josiah chose “K” for the Koala toy and took us on a tall tale fantasy trip to Australia.
With sixteen TM coaches and teens on Zoom, we listened to three Ice Breaker speeches and evaluations.
TM Chantal, who is very interested in knowing more about the Youth Leadership Program, was a TM visitor.
If you are interested in knowing more about the program for teens, contact Alexander Bradburn (Toastmasters of Paris), the YLP Coordinator for 2020-2021.
Session 2 – November
The Youth Leadership Program at the American Library of Paris held its second meeting. This session included Ice Breakers, evaluations, an evaluation workshop in breakout rooms. The YLP meetings are modeled on Toastmasters clubs meetings.
Toastmasters coaches were paired with the teens to help with future speeches and meeting roles. The next meeting is December 11.
If you would like to know more or coordinate a Youth Leadership Program toward your Distinguished Toastmasters award, contact Alexander Bradburn or District 59 Community Relations Manager, Preeti Venkateshan
Session 1 – October
Chairmanship is the first session topic and how to use Robert’s Rules of Order for decision making and discussion. Breakout Rooms were used to get acquainted. Each teen and a coach exchanged personal information to introduce each other in the Get Acquainted segment.
For the debate section, four to five participants were given a topic. Once in the breakout rooms, one group was “for” the topic Social media companies, such as Facebook and Twitter, will be legally responsible for content that users post on their platform”; the other “against”. A spokesperson presented the argument and defense in debate style. After discussion, the motion was put up for a vote. Against won by one vote. It is fascinating to work with teenagers and hear their points of view.
Normally, elections take place with nominations and voting. This year, the teens decided to volunteer. Organizing the next meeting, Friday, November 13, Josiah is the President/TME; Alex the Vice President and will draw up the agenda; Secretary is Pia and Sergeant at Arms/Zoom Master is Philippe.
Contact: Alexander Bradburn 2020-2021 Coordinator, for more information. Participate as a coach or workshop presenter with Alexandre, Avishi, Felice, Jean, Josiah, Morgan, Natacha, Philippe and Pia. The first session was scheduled to be hybrid but switched quickly to Zoom with the curfew. Coordinating the Youth Leadership Program is part of your path on the Pathways journey.
Programme Toastmasters de leadership pour la jeunesse.
Aviez-vous confiance en vous quand vous aviez 14 ans ?
Suivez mois après mois la façon dont 10 ados progressent en suivant le programme de leadership que Toastmasters a créé pour la jeunesse, depuis le début jusqu’à leur dernière session, jusqu’à leur gala final en mai. Vous découvrirez les programmes ; les idées de discours, les différents rôles qu’ils tiennent au cours des réunions, et les conseils qu’ils reçoivent pour mieux s’exprimer.
Le thème abordé au cours de la première réunion est le suivant : comment présider une réunion et prendre des décisions collectives en utilisant les procédures parlementaires.
Comment traiter une motion :
- Une motion est proposée,
- Elle doit être appuyée par quelqu’un,
- Le président formule la question,
- Le débat se déroule,
- Le président soumet la question au vote
- Les membres votent,
- La motion est adoptée ou rejetée.
Afin de mieux faire connaissance, chaque ado a rencontré un coach séparément. Ils se sont présentés l’un à l’autre personnellement. Cette séquence s’intitule : « Faisons connaissance».
Dans la séquence consacrée au débat, un sujet a été soumis à 4 ou 5 participants, qui ont été scindés en deux groupes, « pour » et « contre ». « Les compagnies de Réseaux sociaux comme Facebook ou Twitter seront désormais légalement responsables de ce que les utilisateurs postent sur leurs plateformes. » Un porte-parole de chaque groupe présentait arguments et contre arguments soit pour, soit contre. A l’issue de la discussion, la proposition a été soumise au vote et le « non » l’a emporté d’une voix.
Il est passionnant de travailler avec des ados et de les écouter défendre leurs points de vue!
D’ordinaire, les responsables du groupe sont élus après nomination. Mais cette année, les ados ont choisi le volontariat.
Pour préparer la prochaine réunion du vendredi 13 novembre, c’est Josiah qui sera président/animateur, Alex sera le vice-président et rédigera l’emploi du temps, Pia sera à la fois secrétaire et huissier et Philippe fera office de « Zoom master ».
Pour plus d’informations, contactez Alexander Bradburn qui est le coordonnateur pour cette année 2020/21. Vous pouvez devenir coach ou présenter un atelier.
La première réunion d’octobre avait été prévue en format hybride, mais a rapidement été transformée en format virtuel via Zoom pour cause de couvre-feu. Celle de novembre se déroulera également via Zoom.
Savez-vous que devenir coordonnateur d’un programme de leadership pour la jeunesse fait partie de votre parcours Pathways ?
A titre d’exemple, voici le programme de la réunion d’octobre dernier, initialement prévue à la Bibliothèque américaine de Paris, mais transformée en session Zoom
Président Alexander Bradburn
6 :50 PM – Tous – préparation de la salle ou se joindre à la réunion Zoom
7 :00 PM – Alex ouvre la séance, salue les participants, décrit le déroulement de la réunion
7 :05 PM – Chronométreur : Oana se présente ainsi que son rôle
7 :07 PM – Grammairien : Ginny se présente ainsi que son rôle
7 :09 PM – Tous – Activité : « Faisons connaissance »
7 :24 PM – Atelier (Alex) « Comment présider une réunion et prendre une décision collective
7 :45 PM – Pause
8 :00 PM – Alex : élections des responsables du groupe
8 :12 PM – Ginny : rapport du grammairien
8 :14 PM – Oana : rapport du chronométreur
8 :16 PM – Angélique : Evaluation générale
8 :18 PM – Alex : demande des volontaires pour les rôles prochains
8 :22 PM – Le président du club accepte le rôle de président/animateur pour novembre
8 :24 PM – Tous : Au revoir!